TCRIC Quarterly Report: As of June 30, 2020
September 15, 2020, 10:49am
FY 2020 Quarterly Project status report – As of June 30, 2020
(TCRIC) has received approximately $34,013,297 of monthly deposits and distributed approximately $24,221,509 to date for road improvement projects in Tuscaloosa County.
Projects in Active Construction
SR-69 South - Turn Lane Intersection improvements:
GFC Construction was awarded contract. Construction began in June 2020. TCRIC has committed and paid $1,900,000 to ALDOT for the project.
SR-69 South Intersection Improvements (Plantation Road to I-59 Overpass):
Construction letting is anticipated in Spring 2021. The project is currently estimated to cost $65,500,000. Pursuant to the existing cost-sharing agreement with ALDOT for this project, TCRIC will provide 38% of the total project funding. TCRIC will solely fund the right-of-way and utility phases of the project. TCRIC has paid $1,650,000 to ALDOT to date. Right-of-way acquisition continues, with the last tracts having gone through probate court condemnation hearings and awaiting probate awards. TCRIC is in the process of entering utility relocation reimbursement agreements with Alabama Power and the City of Tuscaloosa.
SR-69 North at Union Chapel Road (Intersection Improvements):
Construction is currently ongoing. TCRIC, via the City of Northport, has provided 20% of the total estimated project costs, totaling $800,000, consistent with the pre-existing agreement between the City of Northport and ALDOT. There is an estimated overrun of $320,000 due to increased site excavation prior to construction, for which TCRIC, via the City of Northport, will be responsible for 20%.
SR-69 North at Charlie Shirley Road:
This project is in the design process, with an updated project cost estimate in progress. Projected letting is anticipated in Fiscal Year 2021. Ongoing preliminary engineering and right-of-way work is estimated to begin in Summer 2020.
US-82/McFarland- University Blvd. Interchange:
The current estimated cost for construction is more than $7,000,000, with a possible decrease if right-of-way is donated. TCRIC has budgeted $1,000,000 for contribution, if needed (as the majority of project funds are available via a BUILD grant awarded in 2019). TCRIC funds expended to date on this project equal $650,000 (for right-of-way processing and bridge preliminary engineering, costs excluded from the BUILD grant).
US-82/McFarland: SR-69 to Rice Mine Road:
$600,000 has been paid to ALDOT to date. The project is scheduled to be let for construction in November 2020. Right‐of‐way has been authorized, and acquisition is in progress. Utility work is scheduled for Summer 2020.
US-82/McFarland: SR-13 (US-43) Intersection Improvement:
TCRIC funds expended to date total $150,000 for preliminary engineering. ALDOT is reviewing the scope of the project to begin preliminary engineering in July 2020.
McWright's Ferry Road:
The City of Tuscaloosa will be managing and providing the up-front funding for the project, with TCRIC to reimburse the City for these project costs. The project is currently in right-of-way acquisition, and construction letting is estimated for late 2021.
Jack Warner Parkway/Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard (JWP/MLK) Improvements:
The City of Tuscaloosa will be managing and providing the up-front funding, with TCRIC to reimburse the City for the project costs. The project is being divided into two phases to expedite the work on either side of the railroad trestle. The first phase is expected to be advertised for construction bids in August 2020. To date, TCRIC has reimbursed the City $800,000 for the project.
Completed Projects
US-82/McFarland at Bear Creek Cutoff Road (Intersection Improvements):
TCRIC provided 100% of project funding to ALDOT. Project payments to date equal $3,383,000. An overage of $340,420 remains due once the project's final audit is completed by ALDOT (documents still owed by contractor).
US-82/McFarland Blvd at Hargrove Road (intersection Improvements, access management. and signalization work):
TCRIC provided total project reimbursement to the City of Tuscaloosa in the amount of $3,808,238. The project payments were completed in November 2019.
SR-69 South (additional lanes and access management):
TCRIC contributed $700,000 to ALDOT toward the $1,500,000 total project cost. The project was completed in fall 2018.
SR-69 North at Martin Road (intersection Improvements):
Tuscaloosa County led the project through an ALDOT permit. TCRIC reimbursed Tuscaloosa County roughly
$1,100,100 and ALDOT reimbursed the County roughly $285,000 for the remaining costs
pursuant to a pre-existing agreement. The project was completed in fall 2018.
Bear Creek Road/Bear Creek Cutoff Road Improvements:
Tuscaloosa County led the project. The project was completed for a total cost of $849,252, and project reimbursement was paid to the County by TCRIC in February 2019.
Mitt Lary Road Improvements
The City of Northport was reimbursed $7,754,557 in total for this project, with the final monthly reimbursement payment made March 9, 2020.