TCRIC Quarterly Report: January 2020
February 25, 2020, 2:01pm
January 2020 Project Status Report
The Tuscaloosa County Road Improvement Commission (TCRIC) has received approximately $30,354,966 of monthly deposits and has distributed approximately $22,271,508.83 to date for road improvement projects in Tuscaloosa County.
Mitt Lary Road Improvements: Reimbursement agreement to: City of Northport
To date, the City has been reimbursed $7,400,000 for this project, with the final monthly reimbursement payment to be made in March 2020.
SR-69 North at Union Chapel Road (intersection improvements): City of Northport project in agreement with ALDOT. Contractor for the construction phase has begun initial work. TCRIC has provided 20% of the total project costs to Northport, consistent with the pre-existing agreement between the City of Northport and ALDOT. Supplemental agreement with contractor in an estimated amount of $300,000 has been approved for overrun due to increased site excavation prior to construction. City of Northport (TCRIC) portion will be 20% of that estimate. TCRIC funds expended to date equal an aggregate amount of $800,000 in early 2017 to fund City’s 20% obligation for this project based on project estimates at that time.
SR-69 South-turn lane intersection improvements: ALDOT project. Preliminary engineering and design near completion, with construction letting scheduled for April 2020. TCRIC has committed $1.9 million for this project to be managed by ALDOT. Initial distributions of $300,000 have been paid to date to ALDOT.
SR-69 South at Skyland Boulevard (intersection improvements): ALDOT project. Right-of-way acquisition continues. 9 out of 10 offers have been made and 3 parcels are in the acquisition phase. Construction letting is anticipated for FY 2021. The project is currently estimated to cost $65,500,000. Pursuant to the existing cost sharing agreement with ALDOT, TCRIC will fund the right-of-way and utility phases of this project as invoiced, with $750,000 paid to ALDOT to date.
US-82/McFarland at University Boulevard: ALDOT project. Current estimated cost for construction is more than $7 million with a possible decrease if right-of-way is donated. TCRIC has budgeted $1,000,000 for contribution if needed for ROW and related project costs but no funding agreement is in place. TCRIC funds expended to date on this project equal $50,000.
McWright’s Ferry Road: City of Tuscaloosa project. The City of Tuscaloosa will be managing and providing up-front funding, with TCRIC to reimburse the City. The project is in right-of-way acquisition. The City anticipates that the JWP/MLK project will let in FY 2021.
Jack Warner Parkway/Martin Luther King Boulevard (JWP/MLK) improvements: City of Tuscaloosa project. The City of Tuscaloosa will be managing and providing up-front funding, with TCRIC to reimburse the City. The project is in right-of-way acquisition. The City anticipates that the JWP/MLK project will let in FY2020. To date, TCRIC has reimbursed the City $800,000 for its JWP/MLK project expenditures.
SR-69 North at Charlie Shirley Road: In the design process, with an updated project cost estimate in progress. Projected letting in FY 2021. As preliminary engineering work continues, right-of-way authorization is anticipated in FY2020.
US-82/McFarland and Bear Creek Cutoff Road (intersection improvements): ALDOT project. TCRIC provided all funding via ALDOT cost sharing agreement. Project payments to date: $3,383,000. An estimated overage of $375,000 remains due to be paid by TCRIC to ALDOT once the project’s final audit is completed by ALDOT.
US-82/McFarland at Hargrove Road (intersection improvements, access management, and signalization work): City of Tuscaloosa project by ALDOT permit. TCRIC provided total project reimbursement funding for this project in the amount of $3,808,237.98.
SR-69 South (additional lanes and access management): ALDOT project. TCRIC contributed $700,000 to ALDOT toward the $1.5 million total project cost.
SR-69 North at Martin Road (intersection improvements): Tuscaloosa County project by ALDOT permit. TCRIC reimbursed the County roughly $1,100,100 and ALDOT reimbursed the County roughly $285,000 for the remaining costs pursuant to a pre-existing agreement.
Bear Creek Road/Bear Creek Cutoff Road Improvements: Tuscaloosa County project. The project was completed for a total cost of $849,252 and project reimbursement was paid to the County by TCRIC in February 2019.